Two students of Study Program of Master’s in Biotechnology UGM together with the KONEKSI Research Team attended a workshop at the University of Adelaide, Australia

Two students of Study Program of Master’s in Biotechnology UGM, Nada Tazkia Purba and Nurmara Salsabila, along with Study Program of Biotechnology UGM’s lecturer Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri and Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas attended a workshop at the University of Adelaide (UoA), Australia on June 18-21, 2024. This activity is one of the objectives of the KONEKSI (Knowledge Partnership Platform Australia-Indonesia) Program, a collaborative initiative between organizations in Australia and Indonesia. Together with the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Center for Future Crops Development, Australian National University (ANU), the research collaboration entitled “Building a Sustainable Future: Developing Nutritious and Climate-Resilient Crop Varieties” also involves BRIN Indonesia and IRRI Philippines. On this trip, the KONEKSI research consortium was fully present, namely Dr. Aris Hairmansis, Dr. Yudhistira Nugraha, and Trias Sitaresmi, M.Sc. from BRIN; Prof. Inez Slamet-Loedin from IRRI; and Dr. Siti Nurbaiti, Dr. Yustina C.F.S., Gloria Fransisca K.L., and a team of research assistants from UGM. read more